Studiengangleiter*in Actuarial Science

Die philosophisch-naturwissenschaftliche und die wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät der Universität Basel bieten gemeinsam den interdisziplinären Masterstudiengang Actuarial Science an. Actuarial Science als Wissenschaft analysiert Fragestellungen der Versicherungsmathematik, der Risikoanalyse und der Finanztheorie. Mathematische Modelle werden auf ökonomische Sachverhalte angewendet, um Risiken erkennen, einschätzen und bewerten zu können. Der Masterstudiengang Actuarial Science richtet sich an Personen, die ihre mathematischen Interessen praxisorientiert vertiefen und mit ökonomischen und sozialen Themen verbinden möchten. Die Leitung des Studiengangs ist am Departement Mathematik und Informatik angesiedelt, welches rund 150 Mitarbeitende in Forschung, Lehre und Administration beschäftigt

CAE Fall 2024

We are excited to announce that our next scheduled hybrid event will take place in Lyon, France on Monday September 16th 2024 hosted by the ISFA University (Institut de Science Financiere et d'Assurances).
50 Av. Tony Garnier, 69007 Lyon, France

Registration is already open through the following link:

There will again be a nominal (USD 10) registration fee for live attendance which will cover the costs of using a secure registration site and help to reduce no shows at our venue which has limited capacity. Virtual attendance will remain free of charge.

Swiss Business School

Commercial Insurance Cycle Management:

Managing A Softening Market
Tony Buckle, John Carolin, Mehmet Ogut, Ilker Aslan

02-03 September 2024
For registration pls contact:

Fachgruppe Krankenversicherung

Die Fachgruppe Krankenversicherung hat heute den "Ergebnisbericht: Exogenen Teuerung in der Krankenzusatzversicherung nach VVG" publiziert.

ETH Risk Day 2024

This year’s Risk Day.

will take place on Friday, 13 September 2024, from 14:00-18:20 followed by a networking apéritif.

Venue: ETH Zurich, main building, Rämistrasse 101, auditorium HG E7

«Actuarial Data Science Après-Midi»

The Data Science working group of the Swiss Actuarial Association (SAA) is glad to announce the next event of the Actuarial Data Science Après-Midi series.

We invite Neil Covington from FIS to investigate approaches to risk modelling across the insurance policy life cycle, from pricing to reserving

Topic                           Machine Learning in the Pricing and Reserving Life Cycle
Date & Time
                Wednesday, 28.08.2024, 18:00 to 19:00 + Refreshments
Location                      Hotel St. Gotthard, Bahnhofstrasse 87, 8001 Zürich
SAA CPS                     1
# Participants              100

We'll discuss how new machine learning (ML) technologies and techniques can help insurers identify, assess and manage the risks that really matter, with examples of traditional and ML-driven, current and potential approaches. And we’ll ask why different approaches make sense for different stages of the life cycle, while exploring the best opportunities to adopt enhanced techniques.

The session will draw on FIS' experience and expertise in designing, building and implementing global solutions across the life, health, P&C/general insurance industry, and both insurance and reinsurance markets.

Neil Covington, Global Head of General Insurance and AI/ML Insurance Lead at FIS

With 30 years of industry experience, including serving as Chief Actuary and Head Actuary for multiline, multinational businesses, Neil Covington’s expertise covers the design, development and implementation of risk models. With a knack for translating complex concepts to diverse audiences, Neil specializes in capital modelling, IFRS 17, reserving, pricing and AI/ML. At FIS, he is also responsible for global GI and AI/ML insurance solutions management and development, alongside pre-sales and professional services support.

The event will be moderated by Alessandro Torre, Actuary and Portfolio Manager at Swiss Re.


Sustainability in (Re-)Insurance Conference 2024

The sustainability working group of the Swiss Association of Actuaries and SCOR are excited to announce the Sustainability in (Re-)Insurance Conference 2024 which is taking place on Thursday October 3 2024 at SCOR in Zurich. The event aims at bringing together actuaries to discuss how sustainability impacts (Re-)Insurance and what it means for actuaries. We will have many engaging speakers with interesting sessions on the agenda, covering a variety of diverse sustainability topics from climate risk modelling, emerging sustainability related insurance products to key regulatory developments.

We will also record the event and share it on actuview for those who are unable to attend in person. There will be a visit to a local pub near the venue after the event.  

Please note that the number of registrations for live attendance is limited due to limited capacity at the venue and inform us if you cannot make it anymore to reduce no shows

SAV CPs: 6

First in time, first in line


Our partner actuview has updated its website with new features for an enhanced user experience. actuview is the first international video platform for actuaries with a modern, sleek design, a boosted search function, detailed filter options, and new features like playlists. Find out more about the update in this trailer.

In total, actuview currently offers more than 3,600 videos on all actuarial topics. Most importantly, watching videos on actuview is tracked by the second and put into a CPD record for you to download. Check out the new actuview at now.

Please note that for technical reasons, the platform is closed from 24 to 26 of June 2024

«Actuarial Data Science Après-Midi»

The Data Science working group of the Swiss Actuarial Association (SAA) is glad to announce the next event of the Actuarial Data Science Après-Midi series.

Topic                          Global Climate Change Hazards Maps
                     Mathias Graf, Head of Cat Research and Development at Zurich Insurance.

Date & Time               Wednesday, 02.10.2024, 18:00 to 19:00
Location                     KV Bildungszentrum Sihlpost, Sihlpostgasse 2, 8031 Zürich
SAA CPS                    1
# Participants           100


Programme 9 - 13 septembre 2024

Swiss Solvency Test – Concept and Updates

Moderated by Sabine Betz, President SAA and EY and Michael Schmutz, FINMA


  • Overview of SST and new SST regulation
  • Market and Credit Risk Model with focus on Credit Risk
  • Alternative sessions on Standard Models (overview and recent changes)
    • Life
    • Non-Life
    • Health
    • Reinsurance & Captives
  • Risk-absorbing capital instruments
  • NatCat
  • SST Results 2024
  • 16:30 Closing & Outlook
  • 16:45 End
  • followed by an Apéro

Workshop "Climate Change and Insurance"

Vienna, Wed–Fri, September 4–6, 2024


Blockchain Finance

Blockchain Finance im Herbst 2024

Teilnahme: Sowohl digital als auch physisch möglich (hybrid)
Beginn: 13.08.2024
Zeit: Wöchentlich jeweils dienstags von 19.00 – 20.30, 10 Module vom 13.08. – 22.10.2024.
Themen: Blockchain, Digital Assets, DLT, Dezentralized Finance und Insurance, NFTs, Web3 & Metaverse.
Gast-Referenten: Andreas Ruflin, BX Digital. Weitere Gastreferentinnen werden angekündigt.
Abschluss: Optionale Zertifikatsprüfung
